Best Paper
The 15th RCEnvE Best Paper Award
To encourage excellence in research in Environmental Engineering, the 15 th RCEnvE will give “Best Paper” awards to early career researchers (e.g., PhD candidates, recent MS/MEng’g/MA graduates, and current students of any degree program) who will participate as paper presenters in the technical sessions of the conference and be selected to be among the best conference papers according to the following criteria:
- Originality (new knowledge; innovativeness of concepts, strategy, solution, technology, policy,
management system, tools, etc.) - Rigor (quality of argument; thoroughness; soundness of methods; results clarity; whether
conclusions are supported by results and methods, etc.) - Significance (relevance to current or emerging regional and global environmental problems)
- Delivery (coherence; writing style; quality of the manuscript and oral presentation)
At least three oral presentations will be awarded and receive distinctions of equal academic value. The winners will be announced and given certificates during the closing ceremony of the conference.
To be eligible for the award, a candidate must meet the following criteria:
- Be an early career researcher:
- Graduate of PhD/Masters/Bachelors degree program from 2018 to 2021, except those who are currently Associate Professors and Professors of a university
- Current students of any degree program, e.g., PhD, Doctor of Engineering, Masters, Bachelors degree program
- Be accepted and participate in the conference with an oral presentation
Screening and Final Judging
All papers from eligible candidates that are accepted for oral presentation will be screened and evaluated for the award by the RCEnvE Scientific Committee and invited resource persons from AUN/SEED-Net member institutions. The candidates’ manuscript and audio-video presentation will be both used for the screening and evaluation. Final judging by the same RCEnvE Scientific committee and invited resources persons will run through all the technical sessions.