15th Regional Conference in Environmental Engineering

UPD Environmental Engineering Program activities
The Conference Theme
Environmental Engineering at the Forefront of Global Environment and Health Challenges
The world faces diverse but connected environmental issues, such as freshwater and marine pollution due to land-based activities, micropollutants of emerging concern, and climate change. These can cause detrimental impacts on human and wildlife health. Emerging environmental problems call for a holistic approach and a wide range of practicable advanced techniques. These techniques include image processing, remote sensing, and Geographic Information System (GIS) in macro-level environmental bioinformatics, next-generation sequencing in environmental metagenomics, health-surveillance oriented environmental-monitoring, material resource cycling, systems analysis, and decision tools for sustainability. Environmental engineers of multidisciplinary backgrounds from the ASEAN region must address these environmental problems, integrating all aspects of environmental management, i.e., environmental quality profiling and monitoring, pollution control and waste management processes and systems, sustainability analysis, and policy. These management tools are also helpful towards preparedness in environmental and public health emergencies.
The conference is designed to promote academic and research collaborations among the ASEAN countries and its neighbors, the members of the ASEAN University Network/ Southeast Engineering Education Development Network (AUN/SEED-Net) and Japanese Supporting Universities (JSU), i.e., sharing learnings and experiences, and complementing respective expertise.